Oil Can Henry’s – 1646 Pace Street in Longmont, Colorado\n\nI love this place. Since moving to Longmont this is the only place I’ve gone for maintenance. The staff is always friendly and attentive. Everything is explained and filters and fluid are shown to me. I get options and feel free to ask for explanations before I pick.\n\nTwo items were not in stock, a cabin filter and a serpentine belt, but were ordered and arrived while the rest of the maintenance was being completed.\n\nI was offered a paper (had my Ipad) and water twice, which I accepted gratefully.\n\nI was there about an hour (had a lot of work done) and I never felt like the work was being hurried to get me out and another customer in. The staff really seemed to enjoy working together, which makes the whole atmosphere very comfortable. Brandon, my upper tech, was somewhat new and a real sweetheart. I heard one of the other techs explaining a procedure at one point to him – he was eager to learn and appreciative of the help and the other tech didn’t act like he had something else he’d rather being doing (very important to a customer).\n\nOverall, as always, a really enjoyable experience.\n\n~ Mary H.\nLongmont, CO