Tag Archives: Yucaipa

Yucaipa: A New Man in My Life

I was so impressed with the service that I had to write you guys. I know people are more likely to spend the time to complain than to compliment.\n\nI have never been to Oil Can Henry’s before. I needed an oil change but with my elderly mom with Parkinsons and my 15-month old daughter, I didn’t want to sit at the dealership for hours. I also didn’t want my daughter to have to run around a dirty repair shop (where the waiting room consists of a gross coffee pot and the extra row seating pulled out of a van for guest seats). I looked up “oil change” in my area and your name popped up. I recalled that the buildings always looked cute and clean when I drive by, so I figured it would be a good place to try.\n\nI pulled up to a very pleasant man who told me I got to stay in the car with the kids and mom, and then handed us a paper and asked if we needed anything else to be comfy while we waited just a few minutes for the car ahead of us to be done. They offered services but didn’t pressure me to buy or act like my car was in desperate need of repair.\n\nThe guys worked together like a NASCAR pit crew. Everyone was sooo friendly…..and I mean they seemed down right happy to be working. They joked around with us. My mom, who hasn’t driven in years, said she wishes she could buy a car so she could get oil changes there. My 14-year old son said, “Whoa….that was impressive service! I was dreading going with you to the car shop, but that was actually FUN!”\n\nLater that night, I told my husband I had a new man in my life and his name was Henry. LOL. My husband is ready to take the other two cars there. Yeah….its a few bucks more than other places, but the extra few bucks is gladly spent to avoid the frustration. The only thing better would be a donut and a pedicure while my car gets done. So impressed.\n\n~ Anne L.